Calvert Cheer and Girls Lacrosse Without Coaches

Madison Conner , Contributor

Calvert High School cheerleading and girl’s lacrosse have lost their coaches for the 2018-2019 winter and spring seasons, and the athletics department is working to find new sponsors.  

Coach Danielle Ciulei has stepped down after two years of coaching the Calvert High Cheer Squad. She has received a new position at Windy Hill Middle School, leaving the cheerleading squad without a sponsor for the winter season. This position has been posted for several weeks, but there has been difficulty finding a sponsor to fill the position.  

Coach Harry Hornack and Coach Mike Hanley have stepped down from the Girls Lacrosse coaching positions after five years. The team is now without coaches for the 2018-2019 spring season. Though the position has not been posted yet, it will be soon.  

If a sponsor is not hired by the time the event starts the position will remain posted, and Administration will do their best to support the program until a sponsor is hired.  Athletic director, Coach Jason Cranford said, “It is rare that we do not find a sponsor for a program. It hasn’t happened under my tenure yet. If we have no sponsors, we have no ability to support the program.”  

The job openings are posted on the Calvert County Public Schools website, the Calvert High School Athletic Boosters Facebook page, as well as on the @CalvertSports Twitter page. Any potential sponsors must be at least 21 years of age, have completed background checks and fingerprinting. In addition, cheer requires an American Association of Cheerleading and Administrators (AACCA) certification. The Calvert High School Athletic Department also requires coaching staff to be certified in sudden cardiac arrest, concussion awareness, and heat illness.   

Hopefully, these positions will be filled promptly, so the activities can start on time and have successful seasons.