CHS is now offering peer tutoring

Angel Kontra, Editor

As of November, Mr. Erik Holmes in collaboration with the National Honor Society is offering weekly peer tutoring.

This program is beneficial to both students and tutors. Students are able to familiarize themselves with challenging content with the help of a peer who was once in their place. Likewise, tutors are able to gain community service hours, strengthen their communication skills, and build their college resume.

Initially intended for first and second year advanced placement (AP) students, the program is open to any in need of some extra assistance.

Currently help is being provided in AP United States History, AP World History, precalculus, and honors chemistry. Additionally, tutors are being assigned to students who need extra help in a variety of English classes.

Students in need of extra help in both the classroom and on exams should look into peer tutoring as well. With upcoming midterms, now is the perfect time to take advantage of this gainful program.

For more information contact Mr. Holmes, Mr. Redden, or stop by room 201 on Friday during lunch. All are welcome!