10 Reasons to go to a Football Game at Least Once in your High School Career

November 15, 2016
At Calvert High, football season is a pretty big deal. Here are 10 reasons why every student should attend at least one game during his or her high school career.
1) The CHS traditional baby powder throw at kickoff. Sure it’s kind of messy, but it makes for some really cool pictures.
2) The ‘wave,’ or the ‘roller coaster,’ in the stands. Typically the most spirited CAV stands in front of the student section and leads the crowd.
3) Show support to the Cavaliers that balance extra circulars and schoolwork, the least they deserve is some recognition- the football players, the cheerleaders, the dancers, the coaches.
4) Watch the marching band- they keep up the crowd’s energy and shed light on our talented arts department.
5) The food truck, not much explanation is needed.
6) Show off Calvert’s school spirit! Some may think getting all decked out for a game isn’t worth it but, again, football is a pretty big deal. It’s an opportunity to get creative and have fun.
7) The snapchat geo-filters; when you adding pictures or videos to their story, CHS students can add a customized sticker, and, honestly it’s pretty cool.
8) As scary as it can be- meet new people, make new friends. Even though students typically go with a group or meetup with their friends at the game, nobody sits in the same spot every game.
9) Football games are part of the fun of high school. Remember it’s only four years- enjoy it while it lasts!
10) Lastly, (as pretentious as it may sound,) football games unite the school. Everyone cheering for the same team, wearing the same colors brings a sense of community.
With all of these reasons there is no excuse not to go. Grab some baby powder, put on your spirit wear, and get ready for a great game!